
Great Dune of Pilat [Pyla]

The Great Dune of Pilat is in France, just to the south west of Bordeaux.  It is just what the photograph shows. An humongous sand dune standing all along on the coast, near to the mouth of the Bay of Arcachon. I have no idea what unusual natural forces have led to its formation, but it is worth seeing if you are nearby.

After you have slogged up to the top of the dune you can sit and admire the marvelous view. It was a nice day when we were there so it was all very pleasant.

You can see the dune marked on the map below. 

Links to some strange dunes in Japan and Brazil.

Arcachon is a pleasant seaside resort.  They rear oysters in the bay. Some of the oyster fishermen have built houses on the Ile aux Oiseaux [Isle of Birds]. You can see some of these in the final photograph. They are built on piles because the island is under water at high tide.

1 comment:

  1. You do have a habit of showcasing places and things that I had NO IDEA even existed!!!
